Tuesday, February 19, 2013

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Mass Outcome 3′s ending

On March 6 this year, a videogame trilogy ended, enraging thousands. The final ten minutes of Mass Effect three veered suddenly into unexpected territory and delivered a closing segment that left many baffled and disappointed.

Some of those people felt extremely angry and decided that Bioware needed to be held to account for underdelivering on the final 1% of their stomping 100 hour space adventure. Cue the Take Back Mass Result (tagline: DEMAND A BETTER ENDING), which has received over 61,000 likes.

They had valid complaints. Mass Impact 3′s ending was really weird,buy cheap diablo 3 gold is the best way to farm diablo 3 gold; it takes a long time to farm diablo 3 gold by oneself. but demanding a new ending from Bioware and then writing one for them perhaps went a little too far. “Fans of the Mass Impact trilogy have put far too much time, effort, and money into the game to be abandoned with such a fate,” the group insisted.

“Bioware desperately needs to resolve this issue. New DLC (something long) to add a new, more satisfactory ending to the game, or even a full expansion based as an epilogue to the trilogy.

“Some possible ideas include Shepard retiring or settling down with his/her love interest,buy Diablo 3 gold safe, returning to work as a Council SPECTRE,our diablo 3 power leveling service is famous for 3r: rapid speed, reasonable price and rich experience.http://www.u7buy.com/diablo-3/ or traveling the galaxy as an inter-species diplomat.”

In addition to that,it's not easy to level up diablo 3 from 1 level to 40+ levels, not to mention power level diablo 3 fast and safe. a poll on the requesting a “brighter” ending gained 68000 positive votes. Some folks even made a to bring the ending more in line with their expectations.

In April,buy cheap diablo 3 gold is the best way to farm diablo 3 gold; it takes a long time to farm diablo 3 gold by oneself. Bioware responded by announcing a free extended cut patch that would add extra cut scenes and clarity to the ending without changing what actually happened. It was released in June, but by then it was all a bit too late.

Still,how to power level diablo 3 fast? buy cheap diablo 3 power leveling from u7buy.com. some good came out of it. A Child’,Diablo 3 gold making guide;s Play protest drive raised ?50,000, though as the , Child’s Play closed down the drive “after it emerged many people thought they were giving money to produce a new ending for Mass Result three.”

Bioware mentioned that they are working on Mass Effect 4 in October. It will be , it , and Bioware haven’t quite decided whether it should be .

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